There are many ways to interpret the word canvas. A wave can be a canvas for a surfboard, drawing constant lines through movement. A piece of ruled paper in the hands of an author can quickly become a pivotal moment in a story and a catalyst for the imagination. Together, Banks Journal & Slowtide have transformed the simple beach towel into an exclusive canvas for some of their favorite photographers to capture moments in time and share with you. We recently followed one featured photographer, Nick LaVecchia, around his hometown in Maine to better understand his places for inspiration when he uses a camera in lieu of a paintbrush and a strip of film as a canvas. We hope you enjoy the beginning of this exclusive towel series and encourage you to participate with your own photos, who knows, your creation may be featured next.
Share and Tag your photos that you think would make the perfect towel graphic: @banksjournal @slowtide and hashtag #myslowtidetowel. Our judges @nick_lavecchia, @bangbangboogie, @tbhphoto, @woodygphoto and @kaneskennar will choose the top 3 hashtagged images. The top 2 runners up will receive a gift package from Banks x Slowtide (Value $150) and the grand prize winner’s photo will be used on an upcoming Banks x Slowtide towel.
See the short film here: