NEMO Equipment, the independent designer of outdoor gear and accessories, has grown its list of accolades to now include the coveted international ISPO Award for both its newly launched Tensor™ Extreme Conditions sleeping pad and the forthcoming fully recyclable Resolve™ technical daypack series (Spring 2024).
Achieving the highest warmth-to-weight ratio ever for a sleeping pad, Tensor Extreme Conditions features NEMO’s patent-pending Apex™ baffle construction and represents a new chapter in backcountry sleeping pad innovation. With an 8.5 R-value at only 17 ounces for the regular mummy size, Tensor Extreme Conditions is the warmest ultralight pad on the market and remains the quietest in its class.
Boasting 3.5 inches of cushioning, Tensor Extreme Conditions offers noticeably quiet support for re-energizing sleep and uses more durable, bluesign® approved materials to protect from terrain; most crucially, it packs in enough insulating layers to combat the outdoor world’s harshest conditions. Like most NEMO pads, it includes a Vortex™ pump sack for fast, easy inflation when attached to the updated, cold weather optimized Laylow™ valve.
“It is impressive how the product designers at NEMO Equipment have managed to develop a sleeping mat that is not only light and small, but also offers excellent insulation,” said the ISPO Award jury.
Resolve is a first — a fully recyclable technical daypack designed for fit, performance, and circularity. In developing this backpack line, NEMO engineered fully recyclable textiles that are stronger and more durable, and sourced all-new recyclable cushioning with extraordinary wicking capabilities. Thanks to modular construction techniques, this pack is more adaptable, configurable, and repairable. Together, these novel materials and precise design techniques create a backpack that’s better performing and more sustainable.
“With a focus on new, innovative materials and a design designed for circularity and recycling, the Resolve backpacks are a prime example of sustainable product development,” said the ISPO Award jury.
In 2024, similar to its U.S.-based program, NEMO will expand its Endless Promise® repair and recycling program to mainland Europe.
About NEMO
NEMO is a New Hampshire-based outdoor gear company known for creating award-winning products that are built to last, comfortable, and fun to use. Named one of Outside Magazine’s and Business New Hampshire’s Best Places to Work, NEMO has also been recognized as a small business leader for the environment by New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility. NEMO’s reputation for design innovation across its product lines—tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, camp accessories, and furniture—is an outgrowth of its design philosophy to never bring anything to market that doesn’t offer a meaningfully better experience. NEMO’s team of designers and engineers are motivated by a passion for outdoor adventure and sustainability.
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