Outdoor Research, a technical outdoor gear and apparel brand founded in and inspired by the Pacific Northwest, announces its latest release: the Multicam Alpine™ Skytour Ascentshell™ Collection by Mark Abma. This limited edition outerwear kit features unparalleled breathability and weather protection and an exclusive camouflage print tailored by Mark Abma and the design team for progressive alpine adventures.
Mark Abma’s signature style and renowned exploits in the mountains have earned him legend status amongst his peers. With over 20 iconic video parts spanning two decades and multiple Skier of the Year awards, Abma defines longevity in the sport and has shaped the freeskiing landscape with some of the rowdiest, most memorable lines ever put on film, with more to come. Beyond skiing, Abma channels his creative vision into product innovation and sustainable living, often found handcrafting his off-grid sanctuary—complete with saunas and cold plunge tubs—on the coast of British Columbia.
Since 1981, Outdoor Research has created dependable gear for extreme environments. Founded by Ron Gregg, a nuclear physicist who turned his frustration with unreliable gear into a mission for innovation, the company remains committed to delivering performance-driven products trusted by skiers, snowboarders, outdoor enthusiasts and tactical forces alike.
Built for the backcountry, the Multicam Alpine™ Skytour Ascentshell™ Jacket and Bibs combine modern tactical design with elite outdoor performance. The exclusive Multicam Alpine™ pattern – only available to US Special Forces partners – was developed to effectively reduce near-infrared detection in snowy environments.
“Blending into the environment, staying dry and warm for 16-hour days in diverse conditions, and feeling completely unrestricted in any situation—this is what I love about the Multicam Alpine™ Skytour Ascentshell™ Collection. This kit feels incredibly natural and intuitive, and I love the sensation of moving through the mountains in stealth mode,” said Mark Abma, Outdoor Research athlete.
The jacket’s air-permeable electrospun AscentShell™ Air 3L material offers unparalleled breathability without sacrificing durability. It features a helmet-compatible Halo Hood with multiple adjustments, YKK® Aquaguard® zippers, and the perfect amount of 4-way stretch, allowing for a full range of motion and comfort without restriction. Pit zips provide rapid ventilation, and dual exterior chest pockets and an interior zip chest pocket keep essentials like sunblock or goggles at the ready. Fully seam-taped construction keeps you and your layers dry from beacon checks at the trailhead to the transition at the drop-in zone.
The bibs are designed with a hybrid-mapped construction, featuring a bluesign® approved softshell bib upper for unrestricted movement and a fully waterproof AscentShell™ Air 3L lower for comfort and protection in challenging conditions. Adjustable suspenders and a full center front zip ensure a precision fit and keep snow away from mid-layers and skin, while the left-side zip bib pocket with avalanche beacon clip keeps the most critical gear close by. The right-side top-entry stash bib pocket and large side-set cargo pockets provide ample storage for essentials. Zippered outer thigh vents with YKK® Aquaguard® zips allow for quick temperature regulation, and a stretch mesh internal gaiter with a power strap slot keeps snow out of boots. The reinforced scuff guard resists abrasion from crampons and ski edges, while the gusseted crotch and articulated knees support durability and mobility.
Only 125 kits of the Multicam Alpine™ Skytour Ascentshell™ Collection will be produced and are now available online at Outdoor Research and at the Outdoor Research Flagship Store in Seattle, WA. MSRP $499 (jacket) and $499 (bibs).
About Outdoor Research: Since 1981, Outdoor Research has created trusted apparel, accessories, and equipment for you to thrive outside. Our award-winning outdoor gear is meticulously researched and tested for outdoor enthusiasts and military users around the globe. Grounded in our values of curiosity, passion, innovation, collaboration and community, we strive to create space for all in the outdoors. Join us at outdoorresearch.com and on IG, TikTok, FB and Youtube.