Free Download: How to Survive and Thrive this Holiday Season

Check out our Holiday Guide for more information on consumer behavior and how to navigate it. Happy holidays! 
Published: October 30, 2024

We made an insights-packed Holiday Playbook to help you navigate what is certainly the most unusual end-of-year shopping season any of us have experienced. So, what’s going on? Here’s some of what you’ll find inside.

  • Election years always disrupt spending, as attention is diverted. This one is particularly disruptive and the economic implications this time are very unclear. People have pulled back on buying many items but have indicated they will spend again once we know the result… 
  • …Or not. Depending on the outcome, we might see increased civil unrest, which would put a halt to any normal buying behavior. 
  • This is coupled with a tough year for the economy (see our last article here), which has affected what people spend on and how much they spend. As inflation comes down, and IF people feel confident that we are on the right track, they will open their wallets. 
  • Spending across “Cyber 5” is expected to be less than the last few years as a result of these factors. But spending after the promo period is forecast to be up on previous years – a slingshot of sorts. 
  • The number of days between Thanksgiving and Christmas is shorter this year:  27 days. Less when you factor in shipping cutoffs. High desire to spend + less time to get it done = more frenzy. 

Net net, this year’s holiday shopping will be more intense and will occur over fewer days, with pent-up demand causing a surge in sales, particularly with brands that have media budgets to cut through the noise and that offer great value. 

The bright light in all of this uncertainty is that the surf is back. The recent run of swell is expected to keep delivering waves through the end of the year, and we all know that will help boost sales in our own category. Finally. 

Check out our Holiday Guide for more information on consumer behavior and how to navigate it. Happy holidays! 

Grab your free copy here

Matt Raminick is the founder & CEO of Sunnyside, a leading marketing agency that connects creative and business performance to generate revenue for surf and coastal lifestyle brands. Prior to founding Sunnyside, Matt previously held senior digital marketing roles at Quiksilver, Volcom, and Pacsun. He can be reached on LinkedIn and at 

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