Surf and Outdoor Brands Uniting to Deliver Immersive Consumer Experience at SURFscape

The lineup of exhibitors for the inaugural consumer event spans the best brands in surf and the outdoors.
Published: March 1, 2023

Surf Industry Members Association is excited to announce that the lineup of brands for SURFScape is getting close to reaching capacity for the inaugural consumer event. The lineup of exhibitors spans the best brands in surf and the outdoors coming together to create an immersive and experiential product experience for the public, members of the media, and bloggers.

SURFscape will take place in Huntington Beach on April 29th and 30th in an outdoor setting that will deliver an exciting consumer experience offering everything from wetsuit and surfboard demos to inspirational conversations around environmentalism and sustainability. Along with adventure grilling, van life builds, and a wide range of gear presentations, this consumer-focused event will help drive product education and sales.

Brands interested in showcasing at SURFScape, can visit for more information. 

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