Dynafit Looking for Runners for Its Trail Hero Program

Published: January 30, 2023 Press Release

Ready for an extraordinary summer 2023 of trail running? Starting February 1, mountain endurance specialist DYNAFIT is again looking for passionate runners for the DYNAFIT Trail Hero Program. Awaiting the winners is a season full of races and events, exciting projects, a fantastic community, and an exclusive peek at the world of DYNAFIT. DYNAFIT will also outfit runners selected with highly technical performance equipment so they can all give their best on the trials. In addition, the brand’s experts and athletes will be there for them, offering experien- ce and expertise. In return, the Trail Heros will share their experiences and passion with the community.

Courtesy of Dynafit

The application period for the 2023 DYNAFIT Trail Hero Program kicks off February 1. Participants can be interested recreation athletes, 18 or older, not under a comparable sponsorship agreement, from Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swit- zerland and the United States.

Trail Heros from each country will be selected by mid-April and are then a part of that country’s team for a year. During this time, they can look forward to various challenges, starting positions at races, photo shoots, as well as country-spe- cific benefits and special terms and conditions, among other things. In return, candidates allow a look through their social media at their training, gear, and experiences.

“In recent years, a strong and passionate community has built up all around the sport of trail running. For those who just now are starting in it or want to raise the bar, ambitious recreational athletes are in particular an important star- ting point for motivation and inspiration,” noted Alex Nehls, DYNAFIT international marketing director. “They mingle with the community as peers, know all about the challenges of the sport, and usually have a strong connection to the runners in their areas. With the DYNAFIT Trail Hero Program, we want to support these athletes and thus in general further establish trail running. In 2023, we look forward to numerous exciting applications and in the end a diverse and mixed team that in the summer will fervently hit the trails with the motto #Speedup.“

The success of the program proves DYNAFIT right: In 2017, the mountain sports expert started its search for the first Trail Heros. In the meantime, the program has established itself internationally. For the 2022 trail season, the brand counted about a thousand applications.

The DYNAFIT Trail Hero Program has also proved itself to be a springboard for impressive career starts, for example that of Rosanna Buchauer, 32. In 2017, she laid the foundation for her career on the international race circuit. To- day, she is part of the DYNAFIT Athlete Team, counts among one of the best trail running women in Germany, and in 2022 participated in the Trail Running World Championships in Thailand as well as took fifth place in the CCC at the legendary UTMB.

Become a Trail Hero – Here’s how it works:
Interested runners can apply between February 1 and March 31, 2023, at dynafit.com/trailheroes. Even athletes who have already been part of the DYNAFIT Trail Hero Team can apply again. Required for the application are the following:

  • Personal data
    • Social media accounts including Strava
    • A short statement of motivation
    • One action photo, and one head shot
    • Where applicable, details about current sponsorship agreements • Special projects, races, & athletic achievements

More information can be found at dynafit.com/trailheroes.

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